Prayer Request

Prayer requests to be shared with the Herndon UMC Prayer Chain or pastor may be sent in this form or by emailing There are other ways to request prayers and share joys and concerns with your church family. You could also fill out a Prayer Card found in the attendance pads during worship and drop it in the offering plate or hand it to an usher, or simply call the church office.

These items are reviewed by the Office Manager, forwarded to the pastor, and included in the worship bulletins, if appropriate. Please specify if you only want the item forwarded to the pastor, or do not want it included on the Prayer Chain or in the bulletin.

Please select all that apply.
I would like someone to contact me:


Prayer requests to be shared with the Herndon UMC Prayer Chain or pastor may be sent in this form or by emailing There are other ways to request prayers and share joys and concerns with your church family. You could also fill out a Prayer Card found in the attendance pads during worship and drop it in the offering plate or hand it to an usher, or simply call the church office.

These items are reviewed by the Office Manager, forwarded to the pastor, and included in the worship bulletins, if appropriate. Please specify if you only want the item forwarded to the pastor, or do not want it included on the Prayer Chain or in the bulletin.